I realize it has been a cold Dec/Jan for most of Tommaso Nation so I won’t complain about the 5-degree temps this morning in Boulder. The good news is that we should get up to 50-degrees this weekend! That means the bike comes off the trainer and we all head back out to the open road! That also means a quick check over of the machine before you get suited up.
If you have been putting in the miles on the trainer catching up with your favorite DVD’s then you want to check the rear tire to make sure it isn’t as squared off as Mr. Jameson’s hair in the Spiderman movies. A square tire will cause the bike’s handling to be unstable and you can almost guarantee that the center stripe is very thin and easily punctured. Some tires not only get worn square but also take on a shine that is very slick when you dip into your first corner off the driveway. If your rear tire looks like a square it is time to replace it. I have a pile of old road tires than I use through the winter so I don’t ruin the good stock on the trainer. Some tire companies like Continental and Hutchinson make a special trainer tires that are very thick and heavy and are only to be used only on the trainer.
For those of you heading back out on the road remember to keep up on the fluids. Just because it is cold outside it doesn't mean you aren't losing fluids. We lose fluids just by breathing and after a lazy holiday season we all seem to breathe a little heavier in the winter. I'm amazed at how many of my riding partners come back from a two hour ride with full bottles. When it is cold people forget to drink.
I hope we all get a boost in temps and can ride outside on a regular basis soon. Check that rear tire and give your bike a little cleaning love as we prepare for Spring, Summer and Fall. For those still doing time on the trainer please wipe down your bike after each workout and invest in a fan to keep you cool in the house. Losing a ton of water weight is not getting fit...it's just getting dehydrated and slowing recovery. Stay cool and get fast!
Team Tommaso
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